IRM’s Smart STEP is an initiative to provide an opportunity to marginalized women from slum areas of Pakistan

Skill Training and Empowerment Programme (STEP)

 What is Smart STEP?

IRM’s Smart STEP is an initiative to provide an opportunity to marginalized women from slum areas of Pakistan. IRM believes that investment in women’s empowerment is the only right and smart thing to do for improving the state of deprived families. The objective of the IRM Smart STEP is to mainstream unnoticed marginalized women (widows with dependent children, orphans, destitute, poor, and women with disabilities) through the provision of low-cost but quality vocational training, entrepreneurial skills, and life skills. 

The consequence of not recognizing the importance of investing in women, girls and gender inequality have the long-term impacts of the crisis which may be deepened further into deeper levels of poverty. Evident suggests that women are more vulnerable to economic shocks across the globe, to mitigate the effects of economic crises, we feel it’s our collective responsibility to give back to the communities we are a part of and benefit from.

Primary goal of Smart STEP is to provide technical and vocational training that strengthen the agency, participation and give economic independence directly to underprivileged women in the urban and rural communities. These skills will enable them to avail opportunities for earning a decent livelihood to support their families.

Join hands for “Smart STEP” for women.

Initially the “Smart STEP” for women is launched at IRM Tech, Rawalpindi. However, it will be expanded to 10 more locations in Balochistan, GB, KP, Punjab, and Sindh. To accomplish this objective, IRM is seeking support from organizations and philanthropists to bring more women in the programme.

Training Fee per person: 

PKR 28,000

(two months training with all training material and equipment)

Training Fee per batch:  (10 Women batch) 

PKR: 275,000

(two months training with all training material and equipment)


Please send your donations electronically or via cheaque to



Account No:  000243907243

Branch Code: 0109

IBAN: PK78 UNIL 0109000243907243

Branch Address: Corporate Center Branch Islamabad

Name of Bank: United Bank Ltd (UBL)